Lewknor PC Annual Report 2022

Published: 08 June 2022


The parish council is very happy to report that, after a year’s delay because of Covid and the resulting lockdowns, the village hall playground upgrade is all but finished. There’s a new playhouse for the younger kids, a larger sandpit plus a whole new section with outdoor exercise apparatus. New fencing has also been installed around the playground and two new picnic benches are about to be installed. Nearly all of this was paid for with funds from the Community Infrastructure Levy – money developers have to pay when building new homes – with an South Oxfordshire District Council (SODC) grant for most of the cost of the benches.

A table tennis table was delivered last summer (on long-term loan from SODC/Table Tennis England) – and a new improved based for it is going to be laid soon.

CIL funds have also been used to buy a large marquee for use for community functions. This is mainly for use in Postcombe which doesn’t have a meeting hall.

There remains around £11,000 of CIL funds left; so if you have any suggestions for projects that would enhance life for residents, please do get in touch, either with individual councillors or with our clerk at:


Lewknor PC (LPC) negotiated with Oxfordshire County Council to use some of OCC’s pot of CIL money to pay for and install a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) on Salt Lane at the entrance into Postcombe, village gates and flower tubs at the entrance to Lewknor – plus there will also be village gates installed at either end of Postcombe on London Road (A40).

After about two years of pleas from LPC, the County Council finally cleared the A40 pavement last summer. LPC is still working with OCC and SODC on the issues of the unfinished access road to Manor Close and the problem of the sunken kerb at the Crescent, just a little further down Weston Road.

A new tree has recently been planted at the corner of Salt Lane and London Road in Postcombe. This is to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee; a plaque marking the occasion is on order.

What’s become an annual spring clean took place at the end of April – and LPC would like to thank all those residents who came out and helped clean up. More than 20 bags of rubbish were collected across the parish.