Clean up after your dog
Published: 11 February 2020
There has recently been a significant increase in dog faeces left along a number of roads and open spaces, on verges and in green areas in the parish. Most residents do indeed use the 5 bins that the parish council has placed strategically in the built up areas (you can also put bagged dog poo in normal bins). In some areas, poo bags are being left either hanging on a tree branch or at the side of the road. It is really important that we all clean up responsibly as dog poo is TOXIC.
As South Oxfordshire District Council says:
Dog mess spreads diseases which can cause illness and even blindness.
It is a criminal offence under the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 for anyone to fail to clean up after their dog when it fouls any footpath, highway, verge or other open space to which the public have access.
So please, please clean up after your pets everywhere even if you are on a footpath, crossing a field, on a lane, bridle path as well as around the villages, village hall and surrounding play area.
Thank you