Power cuts information

Published: 22 February 2022

Enhanced welfare
Accommodation support - we encourage customers concerned about an extended power cut to make alternative arrangements to stay with family or friends but recognise this may not be an option for all.
Where this is the case and a customer has been without power since Friday and their Estimated Time of Restoration is later than Sunday evening, we are offering to reimburse all reasonable costs for arranging alternative accommodation.
Similarly, for these customers who have been without power since Friday, if you do not live in proximity to these vans or need to remain in your home due to circumstances such as mobility or COVID-19, we are offering to reimburse reasonable costs for an evening meal or takeaway, up to the value of £15 per person and up to a maximum of £60 per household.
Reimbursement – eligible customers should book the accommodation and meals directly and retain all receipts which should then be sent to SSEN for reimbursement via the following link - https://tinyurl.com/EuniceClaim. All claims will be processed for reimbursement promptly once full restoration has taken place.
We ask any customer in a vulnerable situation who may find it difficult to organise this for themselves to contact us so that we can look to support them on a case by case basis.
Compensation for loss of power
Separate to the enhanced welfare offering above, we recognise that customers may have questions regarding compensation, which is governed by Guaranteed Standards of Service set by our regulator, Ofgem. Customers will be eligible for compensation under Guaranteed Standards if they have been without power for over 48hrs, where they will be eligible for a payment of £70. A further £70 will be due for each additional period of 12 hours in which supply is not restored, up to a cap of £700.
Customers do not need to contact SSEN to receive this compensation. We will automatically issue this by cheque to the address that was impacted by the storms based on the data we hold. We will send a letter to addresses where this information is incomplete.